Equipping and inspiring others to overcome obstacles and pursue their dreams.

I want to tell you that you are important, not because of any accolades or lack thereof, but because you are a fellow traveler on this journey. Hold fast to your convictions, continue to develop, and grow, but most of all in the ups and downs know your value is not in accomplishments, but in being true to yourself. Be willing to share who you are with others. Be the best you; but be you. Without comparison even to prior versions of yourself, for we have very faulty memories. Let’s build reservoirs of collaboration.

Some things that keep me busy.

You have a place in this world. Discover who you are and share your authentic self with the world. We need you!
Miriam Krause

One of the best things in life is connecting with new people who share your vision and passion.

“We cannot live for ourselves alone. Our lives are connected by a thousand invisible threads, and along these sympathetic fibers, our actions run as causes and return to us as results.” – Herman Melville

Sometimes we have to reach the edge to grasp a grander vision.

“A vision is not just a picture of what could be; it is an appeal to our better selves, a call to become something more.” – Rosabeth Moss Kanter”

just me.

I have been wonderfully married to my husband for over 35 years and we have raised four children on earth and one in heaven. I have four beautiful granddaughters, one handsome grandson and another on the way and I am blessed to be their Nana. 

I know the pressures and sacrifices that parents make  to raise their children and applaud their work. It is no easy task and you need to make the best decision for your family. Whatever that may be.

I encourage you to stand strong in your convictions and continue to grow.  Twenty-five years of homeschooling later our children have grown into their own and I could not be prouder. 

I asked my grandmother at the age of 104 what age she felt and without a hesitation she said,, “Twenty-six. My mind feels like it is 26 years old.” I want to live my life as someone who continues to learn, dream, grow and bring others along this great journey that we call life.  Life is not for the timid, but for those who grasp each opportunity and enjoy the process of living.  

I love where I live and believe that life is to be experienced together. This has led me to volunteer for amazing programs from assisting with homelessness, child loss, feeding school children to environmental sustainability and more. 

I also go outside and soak up every experience that I can to enjoy life by hiking at Mount Rainier, kayaking in the Puget Sound, riding on the motorcycle with my husband on the backroads of this country, and much more. I look forward to connecting with you and traveling this life and the new adventures together.